Be my fair Valentine


Every 14th February, the world celebrate the love. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day! Many of you will show their romantic feelings to whom they love with special gifts and sweets. The most popular gift is chocolate with every possible shapes, colours and tastes. This year you can be even more generous. To show your love to the people you care about and love, you can donate them Fairtrade products, such Fairtrade chocolates and it would be even more valuable!

Fairtrade is a global movement with a strong and active presence in the UK, represented by the Fairtrade Foundation.                                                                                                                                                                                        When you buy products with the Fairtrade Mark, you support farmers and workers as they work to improve their lives and their communities. The Mark means that the Fairtrade ingredients in the product have been produced by small-scale farmer organisations or plantations that meet Fairtrade social, economic and environmental standards.

As you may know, DMU is a Fairtrade University, so you can find Chocolates with Fairtrade mark for tomorrow (and Fairtrade food during the rest of the year as well!) at the University at: Coffee Lab (Fletcher Building and Kimberlin Library) , Cafe Del Marche, Students Union Level 1, Students Union Shop (Campus Centre Building) and Oasis Café (Hugh Aston building).

Also Fairtrade Chocolates and wines can be found at the majority of supermarkets around Leicester and especially at the Just Fair Trade shop at St. Martin Square in Leicester City Centre, where you will find also jewellery and crafts&gifts.

Be loving and fair this Valentine’s Day.



Fedora Agosti (Green Behaviour Change Frontrunner)

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